Wet! Wet! Wet!

November came and went without nary a post from me. Busy as a bee, aren't we all.. So, here in this post I shall share our visit to Legoland in November - a year after our maiden visit.

This time around we wanted to try the Wet Park.. and also do the rides that the no-longer that small primary schooler missed the first time around.

Ta-da! Here's me at the first attraction within the Wet Park. We got in at 10am so no crowd yet.
(For the life of me, I simply can't remember what the attractions are called and the management wasn't really handing them out to visitors on that particular day...pffft.)

This is where you park your shoes or slippers if you plan to get wet.

The kids liked this. They went round two times before I insisted they get out and try the other stuff.

Then we went up the steps and lo and behold! an artificial beach.

As you can tell, it is good that kids be at least 10 years old so that they can carry their own slide stuff and do the activities all by themselves..

While Daddy relaxes..

Part of the Wet Park. Seen below is the more kiddyish feature.
Ample life jackets for kids of all sizes.

Anyway, the kids spent a good 3 hours before they got hungry and wanted out. 
Then it was off to the dry park (of which I talked about last year - not much difference between then and now).


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