I love goreng pisang (or some people like to use pisang goreng - grammar-wise, I'm not too sure tho). It is Malaysia's favourite street food - you can have them for breakfast, with morning cofee, hardly with lunch and always for tea..sometimes supper (ada orang makan tengah-tengah malam, okay..).
But if too much, it is a calorie time-bomb. A colleague once told me she piled on a tonne because she was a serial goreng pisang eater. But after she cut off the habit, she became her present svelte self.
Anyway, this picture is my last piece for 2012. I'm swearing off any in 2013. No more spur of the moment binges for me. Even if I walk into the office canteen and there are fresh, crispy, oil-drenched ones from the stove.
I shall be more thoughtful in my food intake and more reflective in whatever decisions I make. It's time to be more serious (*gasp*), more analytical, more...errr..more of all things good.
Sounds like a good New Year resolution? Come stroke of midnight, we'll see..hehe.
Happy New Year, everyone!
happy new year ana, have a wonderful year ahead! you're making me drool over goreng pisang now, not available over here, unless i fry them, which i don't, coz only one type of pisang widely available and not suitable for frying! hope you can live without it in 2013, sounds rather harsh though, maybe limited intake?