Make Me Up!

I've been writing for quite a number of years now - with my current employer for almost 17 years  (please don't try to guess my age..just send me a private email :p) - and I've always written about technology.

Prior to that, I did Malay subtitles for RTM2 TV programmes but that's another story..also did translation for Fargoes.. also another story for another day.

But for once, other than technology, I was recently given something else to write about for a change. A colleague from the style and beauty desk  was short-handed and needed someone to review make-up products and there was no one available. So, she turned to me (of all people..) to get the review done!

Anyone who knows me, would know that I just slap on some powder and put on some lipstick and that's it. No smoky eyes, no accentuated cheekbones..

I truly didn't know where to start nor what to do when I was given two sticks of lip gloss from the Roses Ultimes de Chanel collection. Add on to that  liquid foundation from Chanel’s Perfection Lumiere product line.

It took me some time to gather the courage to open up the boxes and actually put on the products (which were just luscious, by the way..). And I did a lot of surfing to get the "feel" of writing on such products and getting the right terminologies. Finally, after consulting my colleague, I finally put thought to paper.

You can read the result of all that testing and researching here: Tried & tested: Pretty in pink - Style - New Straits Times

I actually enjoyed doing something different for a change. In fact, I welcome writing and reviewing other stuff other than technology. Just as long as it is not too physically taxing.. hahaha..


  1. way to go ana! you'll be all dolled up when i see you next at some gathering or another (God knows when, doakan I return for holiday soon inshallah, missing malaysia! i'm just like you, compact and lipstick, oh, and black eyeliner too! :) love the article!

    1. thanks, mazni.. err don't know about being all dolled up. but, when you get home (i doakan ye), jom let's do a make-up bootcamp teeheehee!!


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